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Course Extensions Policy

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Effective Date:  October 2012 Review Date: As Required
Document Status: PUBLISHED Original Version: 2012.1
Authorised by: Chief Executive Officer Document Owner:  Alexander Mueller
Standards for RTOs 2015 Standard 5 Clause(s) 5.3 and 5.4




01. Objective

The primary objective of this policy is to provide a structured and equitable framework for considering and granting course extension requests. This policy aims to balance the academic integrity and rigor of the course curriculum with the diverse and sometimes unforeseen challenges faced by students. By setting clear criteria and procedures for extensions, this policy seeks to ensure that all students are treated fairly and consistently while also maintaining the high standards of the educational program. The policy is designed to support students in achieving their learning objectives while also recognising the importance of adhering to established timelines and academic commitments.

02. Scope

This policy applies to all students enrolled in courses offered by Intelligent Training Solutions.

03. Definitions


  • Course Extension: A modification of the original course end date, allowing a student additional time to complete course requirements.
  • Extenuating Circumstances: Unforeseen or uncontrollable events that significantly interfere with a student’s ability to meet course deadlines.


04. Policy Statement

Intelligent Training Solutions is committed to supporting students in their academic pursuits. Recognising that students may face extenuating circumstances, course extensions may be granted in accordance with this policy.

05. Eligibility Criteria


  • Enrolment in a course offered by Intelligent Training Solutions.
  • Demonstrated need due to extenuating circumstances, such as illness, family emergencies, or other significant life events.


06. Procedure


  1. Request Submission: Students must submit a course extension request form and pay the appropriate fee. The course extension student application form is available at weblink: The request should be submitted as soon as possible, and no later than 48 hours before the original course end date.


  1. Documentation: Supporting documentation (e.g., medical certificates, death certificates) must be attached to the extension request.


  1. Review Process: Requests will be reviewed by a course coordinator or academic advisor. Consideration will be given to the student’s academic performance, the nature of the extenuating circumstances, and the feasibility of completing the course within the extended timeframe.


  1. Decision: The decision will be communicated to the student within 7 days of the request submission. Decisions are final and based on the merits of each individual case.


  1. Extension Duration: The maximum extension period is six months from the original course end date. Students may choose to extend their course month by month to the maximum of six months, or for the entire six months at once. Longer extensions may be granted under exceptional circumstances.


  1. Academic Implications: Students granted an extension are responsible for understanding the potential academic implications, such as impact on graduation dates, prerequisite course sequencing, or qualification teach-out-periods.


  1. Confidentiality: All requests and accompanying documentation will be treated confidentially.


07. Fees


  • Fee Structure: A fee of $150 per month is applicable for course extensions. This fee is designed to cover additional administrative and academic resources required for extending the course duration.


  • Maximum Extension Period: The maximum period for which a course extension can be granted is six months. Consequently, the maximum total fee for a course extension is capped at $900.00.


  • Application and Payment Process: Students requesting a course extension must submit the course extension fee along with their application. This fee is to be paid upfront at the time of submitting the course extension request.


  • Refund Policy: In the event that a student’s application for a course extension is not approved by Intelligent Training Solutions, the course extension fee paid for the application will be refunded in full. This ensures that students are not financially penalised if their request is not granted.


08. Application Link

Student can complete the Course Extension – Student Application Form by clicking on the following link: 

09. Responsibility


  • The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the scheduled review and maintenance of this policy and any associated procedures.
  • The General Manager is responsible for the administration support and the operational implementation of this policy.
  • The student is responsible for understanding this policy, submitting timely requests with necessary documentation, and adhere to the new deadlines. The student is also responsible for understanding and complying with the fee structure in clause 7. By applying for a course extension, the student agrees to these terms.
  • Intelligent Training Solutions staff are responsible for providing clear information about this policy, review requests impartially, and communicate decisions effectively.


10. Policy Review and Amendment

This policy will be reviewed as required and may be amended to reflect changes in Intelligent Training Solution’s procedures or educational standards.

11. Policy Approval and Publication

This policy has been approved for publication by the Chief Executive Officer, Alexander Mueller.

SIGNATURE | DATE: 09/02/2024

Revision History



1 October 2012 2012.1
  • Original
2 September 2022 2022.1
  • Update to the policy. (Improved wording)
3 February 2024 2024.1
  • Major updates to the policy to better reflect what is being implemented.
4 February 2024 2024.2
  • Addition of electronic web form: 
5 February 2025 2024.2
  • Minor update to the formatting of this webpage 



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