Test and tag procedures exist for emergency lighting to ensure safety and proper function in every building in case of an emergency. At Intelligent Training Solutions, our specialised test and tag courses help train individuals in how to test and tag emergency lighting.
Why Test and Tag Policies are Required
Victorian law indicates that employers must take reasonable action to maintain a safe working environment that avoids risks to the health and safety of staff. An important aspect of workplace safety includes ensuring buildings are compliant with emergency guidelines. Part of this involves ensuring emergency lighting and exit signs are always functional in the event an evacuation is required by getting inspections and tests for a professional trained to test and tag emergency lighting.
How Often Do Emergency Lighting Systems Need to be Inspected?
The Australian Standard for Testing and Tagging Emergency Lighting is every six months. All emergency and exit lighting must undergo a 90-minute discharge test of the battery as stated by the AS. This includes exit signs and emergency lights that are working and don’t appear to require maintenance or replacement. It’s hard to predict when emergency lighting systems may fail, so periodic inspections and tests are important to ensure they are always functional for peace of mind.
Our Emergency Lighting Testing Course
All instructors of our emergency lighting testing course at Intelligent Training Solutions are qualified A-Grade Electricians or maintenance personnel working in the test and tag field. You’ll be certified as a competent person with an ability to provide a level of maintenance in accordance with the Australian Standards AS/NZS 2293.1, the National Construction Code (NCC) and the Essentials Safety Measures Building Code of Australia (BCA).
This course will provide you with all the relevant skills and knowledge required. This includes everything from obtaining work permits, hazard identification, safe work method statements, servicing operations and general maintenance on fittings through to actual methods involved when inspecting, testing and maintaining emergency lighting systems and exit lights.
Explore Our Test and Tag Courses
If you’re interested in becoming qualified to inspect and test emergency lighting, choose to study at Intelligent Training Solutions in Victoria. Enrol in one of our test and tag courses today.