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Silica exposure is a serious workplace hazard, and different states in Australia have specific training requirements for workers involved in handling crystalline silica substances (CSS). With the exception of Victoria, WorkSafe authorities in New South Wales (NSW), Queensland (QLD), the ACT, WA, NT, and South Australia (SA) mandate that any worker involved in the processing or handling of CSS must undergo approved silica awareness training.

Silica Awareness Course

Approved Silica Training Courses


WorkSafe in NSW, QLD, the ACT, WA, and SA recognises the following courses as meeting silica awareness training requirements:


Who Needs to Complete Silica Training?


A common misconception among businesses, employers, and workers is that only those directly handling silica-containing materials need training. However, WorkSafe has clearly stated that anyone at risk of exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) must complete training.

This includes individuals such as:

  • Cleaners working in areas where silica dust is present or being generated.
  • Supervisors overseeing work that generates silica dust.
  • Electricians, plumbers, or any trade professionals working near silica processing activities.

It is not sufficient to have just one trained individual on-site, anyone exposed to RCS must complete an approved Silica Awareness Course.

Silica Training Requirements in Victoria and Western Australia


Victoria and Western Australia have different approaches to silica training. The Silica regulations in these states requires that:

  • Any worker at risk of exposure to RCS must be informed about the risks.
  • Workers must receive clear instructions on how to work safely around silica-containing materials.
  • Workers must be adequately trained or supervised.

Unlike other states, Victoria does not prescribe a specific training method. However, Intelligent Training Solutions recommends completing one of the nationally recognised silica training courses to ensure workers are properly educated on silica hazards and workplace safety measures.


Compliance and Record-Keeping Requirements


Regardless of the state you operate in, employers are legally required to maintain records of silica training. These records must be kept:

  • While workers are engaged or exposed to silica processing.
  • For at least five years after an employee leaves the business

Employers can document training in their Silica Risk Control Plan using an RTO statement of attainment, which can include:


Ensuring Workplace Safety and Compliance


Understanding and complying with silica awareness training requirements is essential for worker safety and legal compliance. While Victorian businesses have flexibility in how they educate workers, other states enforce strict training requirements for anyone exposed to RCS. Investing in the Online Silica Awareness Course or other recognised training options ensures that all workers understand the hazards and best practices for minimising silica exposure.

For more information or to enrol in a Silica Awareness Course, visit Intelligent Training Solutions.