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Road safety is an area of study that is constantly evolving to keep up with the times. As road networks expand and vehicle technology leaps forward in complexity, it is more important than ever to acquire better driving skills to prevent accidents and adapt to new conditions. In this article, Intelligent Training Solutions shares crucial road safety insights that can be gained from a course for defensive driving training in Melbourne.

defensive driving training Melbourne

Enhance Driver Awareness and Risk Assessment

Defensive driving training in Melbourne places great importance on improving driver awareness and risk anticipation. If prevention is the best form of safety, then enhanced awareness is the most effective way to avoid accidents. Drivers learn to anticipate risks and react correctly to potentially hazardous situations to keep themselves and others safe.


Keep Up With Advanced Vehicle Technologies

We live in a world where cars feature automatic braking systems, lane change warning systems and innovative cruise controls. Defensive driving is as much about learning about the latest technologies and how to integrate into their driving habits to create a safer environment.


Driving Strategies for Road and Weather Conditions

Melbourne’s weather can be unpredictable at the best of times, presenting a challenge for even the most experienced drivers. Defensive driving programs seek to build on a driver’s skills by teaching specific techniques to safely navigate low visibility, slippery roads, emergency braking on poor roads and more.


Reduce Road Fatalities and Insurance Costs

Safe driving techniques have been shown to reduce road accidents, fatalities and even drive down insurance costs. Some insurance companies incentivize safe drivers by reducing their insurance premiums.


Enhance Road Safety with Defensive Driving Training

As vehicle technology advances in leaps and bounds, the future of road safety depends on drivers doing what they can to keep up with the changes. A high-quality defensive training course keeps up with the latest and future trends to ensure that students are well-prepared not only for the present, but for the ways in which road safety will change in the years to come. Contact Intelligent Training Solutions to learn more about our defensive training curriculum, or get in touch for enrollment information today.